This is the Sprint from my experience where most of the below important aspects of the project are getting shaped up or getting started off..
- Team Formation- The basic team will be already formed , but this phase the critial skill needs will be addressed.
- Architecture of the Project- The base architecture will be laid down and there will be a continuous improvements in the base architecture.
- Development tools identified.
- Stake holders education on the Agile process getting trigerred.
- Hardware,Software procurements.- For Advance server requests, etc.,
- Iteration Plannings,Release level Plannings.
- Team seating arrangement decisions.[however may change as quiet as possible!]
- Build systems. Continouous Integration Topology , Big Cruise Setups, build notifications designs.
- Systems for Test builds laydown - getting designed.
- Test Frameworks decisions. - How much should be the Test coverage.
- Discussions on Agile Engineering Practices to be implemented.
- Client \ Stake holder demo tools, etc.,